Investment casting, lost wax
Investment casting, lost wax
By using what is known as the lost wax process, products can be cast with very high precision. Several layers of a special sand are built around a wax model. The sand shell is baked in an oven into a finished mould while the wax melts out. Where the tolerances are very tight, a cast blank is made which is then machined to size.
A technology that provides many options for different types of design. It is also cost-effective for small production runs because of the relatively low tool cost.
- Fine surface
- Low tool cost
- Good design options
- Unlimited choice of materials

Evaluate a future product or improve an existing one. Development through machining or 3D printing.

Metal injection moulding, MIM, is very similar to the injection moulding of plastic parts. Extremely complicated shapes can be manufactured with high precision.

A production technology in which a powder is compressed under high pressure in a closed tool to create the shape of the part.

By using what is known as the lost wax process, products can be cast with very high precision.

During pressure die casting molten metal is forced into a mould under pressure. A high degree of dimensional accuracy can be attained, which often results in less machining.

Sand casting is a cost-effective process for small and medium-sized production runs where the precision and surface requirements are not crucial factors.

Everything from simple to complicated machining. Cost-effective and where precision and demanding tolerance and surface requirements are specified.

We often recommend forging or hot forging when the requirements for strength are high. When the conditions are right, it is possible to save money by switching from machining to forging/hot forging.

Pre-assembled parts with integral components of varying kinds and materials. An all-in package at a fixed cost.